
Background 换了个.com的域名,想着还是用同样的host,所以觉得把文件复制到新域名的文件夹下就好,连数据库也没动。 Problem 万万没想到,没成功!能显示首页的文字,但是css, js之类的都加载不出来。访问demin.com/wp-admin会跳转到原来旧www.lidemin.pw的网页上,由于旧域名过期了,所以啥也显示不出来。 Solution Google is my best frient. 试了一些方法,最后起效的是修改数据库中wp-options表里的home和siteurl。 把它们改成新的域名就好了。然后demin.com/wp-admin就能访问咯。。 谢谢 Demin

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Convertion between GRE and VLAN mode in OpenStack (OpenStack GRE和VLAN模式相互转换)

Convert from GRE to VLAN I refer to the VLAN configuration official documents 1. Edit the /etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini file both in network node and computer node. Comment or delete GRE configuration and append VLAN configuration: [ovs] tenant_network_type = vlan network_vlan_ranges = physnet1:1:4094 bridge_mappings = physnet1:br-DATA_INTERFACE

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